Invest Northern Neck (InvestNNK) is a program of MACorp, Inc. It is the 2nd generation of the Northern Neck Small Business Incubator, which offered adaptable space and support services at a discounted rate for small emerging businesses. The former incubator had services that included office space, technical assistance and training, business mentoring programs, and general support with building business capabilities. InvestNNK moves the spirit of the Norther Neck Small Business Incubator into a new approach to fuse the work, the worker, and the training together in a way that stimulates economic growth and investment in Northern Neck resources. It is a space where we invest in the Northern Neck.

InvestNNK’s initial output was done in partnership with the Interracial Conversations of Lancaster and Northumberland Counties in creating the Minority Business Directory.

Please keep an eye out on more to come and join and support us in this forthcoming endeavors!